H239: Hog

Rainwater Hog™ that is. This is a spectacular design for small spaces like mine. In fact it is the perfect design in the horizontal application for a mobile home like mine. The only disadvantage is the $450 price tag. But, oh the 47 gallon storage container kicks the conventional rain barrel design’s butt!

Love the way you can store in a vertical position . . .

Or, as I would love to do under my mobile home - the horizontal postion.

Sold through Design Within Reach I have to chuckle at how my mind was just thinking that this design was not within my reach. Never let it be said I can’t appreciate good design, even if I can’t afford it.

h/t Apartment Therapy

1 comment:

katecontinued said...

So many of these concepts are so captivating, I just know prices will come down over time.