Big City Move

Story telling about my daughter's life of 19 short years, I started a recollection thread, a series of posts looking at my life with Angel that ended twenty years ago - May 31, 1989.
When Angel turned 3 we had just moved to Omaha from Sioux City, Iowa. I had been pushing for this move for some time because I really hated Sioux City. Omaha was the big city to me and I was ready. My wasbund’s family was primarily based in Omaha and he got work and our home through family connections. In fact I got work at a catering kitchen directly next door that his brother-in-law and nephew owned. I worked several years at the kitchen – learning a great deal about food preparation, dinner theatre buffets and a wine cellar menu. I also earned money waitressing and being a hostess at the wine cellar.

My Angel was in her element with the big family and with a family next door where the older daughter and the mother watched her and played with her. I don’t remember Angel ever being a problem in any way but one. She would not let me come her hair without screaming bloody murder. No matter how gently I tried to brush her hair, she would fuss. Finally I’d had enough and I cut it short. She just hated that short hair and said she wanted long hair again. We made a deal that I would never cut it again as long as she learned to care for it – because I refused to fight with her and make her cry just to brush her hair.

Okay, before the haircut I let myself do a stupid thing. I gave Angela a kid permanent. What was I thinking you might ask? Well, truth be told, I think I was playing out my own childhood. You see, my sisters used to get Toni permanents and I never did. See, I had naturally curly hair - so I didn't get one. The Toni commercials ran during the Miss America pageant and I thought it was the neatest thing in the world. All of those little papers, the bottles, the gloves the curlers in the different colors. It was magical and I was jealous. Now - I just cringe. In fairness, I believe Angela loved the whole process despite her sensitive head.

And yes, I remember wearing white gloves to church and hats like the kid in the advertisement. It does feel like another century doesn't it? I even picture the white anklets and white Mary Jane shoes - or black patent leather. I can smell the clothing and the permanent as I type. *shudder*

Tonette ad Flickr

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