W348: Will You Join Me?

Each year I join people from all over the world who light candles in memory of children who have died. I light a candle in memory of my daughter Angel, she is missed deeply. And I light this candle for the millions of children who have died because of the Imperialism of this US government's actions around the world. The Corportist rule has murdered and starved children of all ages. I want our country, our world healed. I light a candle.


Sam said...

I will join you by lighting one tonight. I wish you did not have the pain of having lost your daughter.

katecontinued said...

Thank you, Beany. We all have something in our lives that we believe absolutely will destroy us or that we just can't face . . . dying is part of living. I am not being Christianist or Hallmark. I have survived what I never believed I could survive and have learned to keep living, growing and reaching. Yet I feel the missing part . . .

Anonymous said...

Me too, Kate.

Every night right up through Solstice.

katecontinued said...
