If I hadn't titled this post as I did, I don't believe readers would ever be able to figure out the graphic above. I am the first to admit that my methods are unorthodox. My garden is a true urban garden. My containers are made up of all free materials and are in keeping with the design aesthetic I like to call, "Yes, it is a a rusty ole' thing and it is beautiful." or somesuch . . . Admittedly, there are many people (family and friends included) who don't see beauty where I see beauty. Part of the problem is that my vision holds all of the lush edible vegetation covering every rusty object in my domain. Until I get the green growing the place does just look like a junk heap. The goal will be year round food, blooms and living green air cleaning machines.

Today I am preparing the initial plans for my garden. These plans will then become the template to add all of my ideas for what I want to plant and when I want to plant. I could do elevations too if I really wanted to create layouts in the oil drums that allows for great height at the center, bushy plants surrounding and trailing plants at the edges.
Last year I had good luck with the tomato plant and the pea pods climbing the wire mesh and rebar I'd secured to the side of my house.

I have lots of room on this drive I painted like a dance floor to plant this raised bed (made from a demo'ed pergola) and oil barrels and any other handy container I might find.
That's beautiful! An old oil barrel was my #1 favorite toy through most of childhood. I wonder is someone, somewhere, is using it now. It would make an *excellent* self-watering container.
My garden plan is just a piece of notebook paper, with big blobs to mark the main tree shadows so I remember that even if the ground is empty nothing much will grow there. I envy you your sunny spot!
Thank you, rosa. I am blessed with this sunny spot. You should know that I used to make my living doing floor plans for commercial interiors projects. This means that I use AutoCAD to think through things - in a way others wouldn't. It is overkill for these projects, but still . . .
My next challenge will be my roof for a green roof plan. That gets full sun all day. The drive only has sun from dawn to about 2:30 pm.
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