The first is my black and white checkered driveway. I painted this driveway and my neighbor pleaded with me not to park my truck on it. She thought it would distract from the great curb appeal of my driveway. So, I told her I was just going to paint the truck to match the drive. And so the project was inspired. As with my other make-a-(green) plan projects, I wanted to incorporate materials I already had on hand. The black and white paint was a start and my other neighbor gave me some sandpaper and primer paint for a rusty fender, my starting place.
What is with the Tessellation you might be asking? Well, the plan has morphed. Although I still want to paint the doors and bed of the truck in black and white, the fenders and front will be a tessellated pattern of pennies.

A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection of plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps.
Coincidentally, or not, I have been collecting images of fractals in nature, with fractals being a kind of tessellation. I just wrote a letter to my mother filled with many of these images.

I find the precision of these fractals just beautiful. The truth is, my sense of myself as an artist is not based on schooling or of technical skill. I am also not particularly precise or methodical or fussy as a true tessellating project would demand. I am enthusiastic and daring. This is how I free myself, by simply charging in and doing it. And art is communication. Eventually I will barely drive this truck and I may even plant the bed with vegetables and greens. I could make it my big fat raised bed in my drive and a great conversation piece. Oh yeah, the pennies represent the high cost of vehicular transportation.
This morning I checked my email and Chile Chews asked if I was signed on to the Rethink It Challenge and I would say this project qualifies as repurposing.